
Although the content on our dog finder website hundello.de was created and checked to the best of our knowledge and with great care for accuracy and with a second set of eyes, even we can sometimes make a mistake. For that, we would like to apologize to you in advance!

For legal reasons we have written a short disclaimer, i.e., an exclusion of liability clause, in which we have outlined the areas on our dog finder website where you could find potentially incorrect, incomplete or outdated information. If you are particularly interested in one of these, we recommend you use other sources to check the information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1. Completeness of Data

We’re always trying to offer you a complete list of all purebreds, hybrid dogs and mixed-breed dogs. However, since breeders are constantly developing new crossbreeds and breeds across the globe, our list might not yet include a new dog breed, a new hybrid dog or a new mixed-breed dog, or we may not yet have named or classified it correctly.

If you know of a dog that we have forgotten on our dog finder website or if you have found a mistake on our list of breeds, we would be very grateful to you for letting us know so we can always offer an exhaustive and accurate list. You are welcome to send a message to moc.ollednuh@ofni. In return, as a small token of appreciation for your attentiveness and help, we would like to make a small donation to an animal welfare organization of your choice.

2. Dog Profiles

We have put together some stats on each purebred, hybrid dog and mixed breed you can find on our large list of breeds to include their looks, special physical traits, and typical character traits. Such information and/or classification is based on average numbers, feedback, specialized publications and breed descriptions.

We do want to point out that every dog is an individual, with unique personality traits and predispositions, and their very own experiences during the formative months. A departure from the norm may not be what some people want, but it is completely natural and makes every dog that very special companion.

This includes information on their hunting instincts and how family friendly they are and whether they are compatible with children, cats and other dogs. When it comes to size and weight, there can be dogs who do not fall into what may be considered an ideal range and are either clearly smaller or substantially larger than other dogs of the same breed. In such a case, the only thing that matters is a healthy weight to size ratio. Some dogs are also more likely to have certain inherited diseases (usually from overbreeding), while other dogs are not known to have any health problems. That does not mean that every dog of a certain breed will get sick or that certain dogs never get sick.

Another issue – and for many a sensitive one – is the price tag of a dog. That depends on many different factors: Breed, color, origin, gender, age and demand drive the price significantly. The list price is meant to give you a picture of how much the dogs go for. While searching for the right dog for you, you will quickly notice that the price range varies greatly. We scan numerous dog finder websites to get an idea of pricing to calculate our current average prices. If we can’t find enough dogs for the price calculation, we fall back on historical data or add them manually.

If there is no data, that means we found misleading information during our research and could not confirm one or the other source with certainty. That is why we decided to rather not provide you with any data at all rather than publish wrong information that might put you at a disadvantage.

It goes without saying that we are not perfect – even we can make mistakes. If you notice any obviously incorrect information regarding the appearance, character traits, sizing or behavior of a dog, we would be very grateful if you could point the mistake out to us and correct it (please include the source). In return, as a small token of appreciation for your attentiveness and help, we would like to make a small donation to an animal welfare organization you would like to support.

3. Images and Pictures

We are unable to look through each and every one of the dogs depicted on the numerous images on hundello.de and we did not photograph every picture on our dog finder website ourselves. Nevertheless, we have obtained the necessary permission of the copyright holder for using the picture on hundello.de. In most cases we make use of different picture data bases. Occasionally, the dog owners will also provide us with pictures of their dogs they took themselves. We are always grateful to be able to publish such unique images! All legally necessary image citations can be found on the desktop version of hundello.de for lack of space (as is customary on other websites).

We are unable to look through each and every one of the dogs depicted on the numerous images on hundello.de and we did not photograph every picture on our dog finder website ourselves. Nevertheless, we have obtained the necessary permission of the copyright holder for using the picture on hundello.de. In most cases we make use of different picture data bases. Occasionally, the dog owners will also provide us with pictures of their dogs they took themselves. We are always grateful to be able to publish such unique images! All legally necessary image citations can be found on the desktop version of hundello.de for lack of space (as is customary on other websites).

If you see that we have used copyrighted images without permission on our dog finder website, please write us (moc.ollednuh@ofni). We will find a quick and easy solution to a problem and will let you know what our source was and how we secured the necessary reproduction rights.

In order to protect each copyright holder, to avoid any ensuing errors and to maintain a certain degree of exclusivity for hundello.de, the use, distribution or reproduction of the exclusive pictures made available on hundello.de is prohibited without our written permission. Thank you for understanding!

4. Accuracy of Information

While section refers to all the written content on our dog finder website, we are referring specifically to the article on the home page titled “The Evolution of Dog Breeds” and to the detailed descriptions of each dog. A lot of time went into the research and into writing the dog profiles. Although we always consult several sources to double check all the information and although we have each text proofread for grammar and spelling, we cannot guarantee that we didn’t miss a single mistake, small or large. In this case we would like to apologize to you, because that really shouldn’t happen. It would be very kind of you if you could briefly point out any mistake you come across and we’ll fix it straight away. Thank you very much for help, we really appreciate it!

While section refers to all the written content on our dog finder website, we are referring specifically to the article on the home page titled “The Evolution of Dog Breeds” and to the detailed descriptions of each dog. A lot of time went into the research and into writing the dog profiles. Although we always consult several sources to double check all the information and although we have each text proofread for grammar and spelling, we cannot guarantee that we didn’t miss a single mistake, small or large. In this case we would like to apologize to you, because that really shouldn’t happen. It would be very kind of you if you could briefly point out any mistake you come across and we’ll fix it straight away. Thank you very much for help, we really appreciate it!

5. Advertising

The content and information we provide on hundello.de is completely free of charge. We are able to generate a profit through advertising revenue from ad space (such as banner ads, brand building, partnerships, etc.). We can only control the content of the ads to a certain extent. If you see any advertisements that you find offensive, insulting, hurtful or otherwise inappropriate, please make a note of who the advertiser was, where exactly you saw the ad, when you saw it (exact date and time), and let us know immediately. We will forward your request to the responsible advertising partner as soon as possible so that they can review your request and the ad in question and remove it immediately if necessary. For that, we would like to apologize to you in advance!

6. Server Failure/Availability

It could happen that hundello.de is temporarily unavailable or only partially available if a server is down, if there are too many redirects, if we are doing website maintenance (e.g. like updates), or if it goes down for other reasons. Experience has shown that our email services are also affected by such issues. However, we would like to assure you that when we’re having such problems that we will do everything in our power to ensure that the site is up and running again in no time.

As stated in the disclaimer above, we at hundello.de cannot be held liable in this case either. However, should you be at a disadvantage from our server being down or from a mistake we caused, please feel free to contact us – we will do our best to find a solution.

Final Thoughts

By using hundello.de, any associated subdomains and all subpages and files as part of our dog finder website, you are stating that you have read, and agree to, the disclaimer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

In case of a dispute, for example due to copyright infringement, we ask you to contact us directly. Adding an attorney to the mix means only unnecessary litigation expenses for both sides. We always try to settle any dispute (e.g. content theft, negative SEO or DDoS attacks, etc.) first. There’s a solution to everything!